Monday, August 11, 2008

Latest update.

If I am not making blogs of commenting much at all its because I am on vacation right now.

However I do have a lot to report because I got the results of my psychological tests back, and they were awful. I tested far below average in nearly every single category being tested. However I now know that my problems reach far beyond just AD/HD.

I have social anxiety disorder. I have sleeping disorders and I am constantly struggling with insomnia. The icing on my ****** up cake is that I am also Bipolar. However psychologist said that I do not show symptoms of depression, he said that its not uncommon for some people to just be constantly manic.

GREAT !!!!!! Just ******* great!

Is there anything else that I am freaking missing? Could there possibly be anything else that is wrong with me? I had pettymaul Epilepsy as a child that I outgrew. I have severe AD/HD, I have social anxiety disorder, and now bipolar disorder.

I am really one messed up dude. When I get back from my vacation I'll actually make a real update.

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