Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Really frustrating day for me.

That image really says it all, which is how I felt all day.

So I spent most of the day unmedicated today. Last week I was taking my medicine and for the 1st time in my life I experienced real relief. Words cannot describe what it is like for me. One week I can hardly think or focus on anything and then the following week I have a new brain. My wife is supportive of me becoming more organized. She wants our house to be more organized as well so I was working on that all day.

However I ran out of medication today. Click on the video below to discover what my day was like.

One would think that pharmacies would have enough of this kind medication in supply. I mean I cannot be the only person in Seattle that is taking Adderall.

1 comment:

RunninL8 said...

Hey I;m right there with ya shane! It's nice to know there are other people out there who know what it feels like to wrestle with ADD-as well as the crap that comes along with dealing with doc, pharmacys, secretaries...
My doc just perscribed a 10 mg dosage of my adderall instead of the 20mg. So I had to take 2 a day and then go back in 2 weeks for the 20mg dose. My insurance doesn't cover meds so that was an extra $100+ last month. Will she compensate somehow? We'll see!
I've gone a few days without my meds here and there. The first day off is the worst, but biking-excersise- can really focus you so keep it up!
I used to live in wallingford but am now up in Alaska!
Take care,