Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Getting Back To Good

I decided that I am going to make this Blog unlike my last one, as interactive as I can for my few readers.

Today I decided was going to be a day of therapy for me. Today was all about getting back to me, connecting with me, getting back to good. There are so many aspects that define me and I haven’t connected with any of those things in a real long time.

Wendy is a very good friend of mine she has gone bicycling with me a few times and has been a very good friend to me. You can visit her website and discover what kind of a wonderful person she is for yourself.

I feel very fortunate and privileged that she considers me a friend. Click on the video below and see what she did for me.

Dave’s Killer Bread. Click on the video and discover the kind of bread that Dave makes

So if Dave can get his life back together after being in prison for 15 years, then why can’t I get myself together too?

I’ve slacked off on bicycling for the last two weeks. Not to say that I haven’t bicycled, just not as much. I was happy to discover that I hadn’t lost any fitness. I wanted to show how I prepare to go bicycling and talk a little about the things that make up me.

That bicycle is one of my favorite bicycles I ever had. I’m just showing my drawing pad why I love to draw.

Ever since I lost my last job I feel like I am washed out, that my life is washed out. I’m talking about when I was a customer service rep for a porn company. Not the stupid warehouse job that I lost. But even that job I could not keep. I mean I got fired from that job even. Because that job required me to concentrate and focus fast, and I have to pay attention to everything that I read when. So even that job and I could not keep. So not only was that a cool place to record a short video, it was great way talk in metaphors and get my feelings out. Because after all today was a therapy day for me.

So if anything, do click on the video below, the washed out road is really cool.

This is a cool video of me recording myself in the reflections of long widows riding my bicycle and through the park. I always wanted to make a video of me riding my bicycle like you would discover on So this is kind of like that.

Cool video of Lief Erikson, I am assuming you know who Lief was right? This video is a very cool statue of him. I spent an hour drawing that statue today. It was the 1st time I’ve drawn in a year. Was great therapy for me.

I am no longer as depressed as I once was. I just hope that people can read my Blog and listen to these videos and understand what it is like for people who have severe disabling AD/HD. I explain a lot of things about myself, and really talk about my feelings a lot in this video.

After I got home I made the rest of these videos. I feel like I made a real break through today, that I really connected with myself. I need to discover how I am going to become productive again and rejoin the work force successfully. However I am going to get through my rehabilitation, I need to figure that out.

When I decided to lose 100 pounds there was a defining moment for me. There was second in time where I decided that nothing or anybody was going to keep me from my goal. I did not care what it took, how I was going to do it, I just knew that I was going to achieve my goal

Today was all about finding that defining moment, rediscovering me. Getting back to those aspects that make up my personhood, and discovering that inner fortitude to accomplish what I need to do to get well.

I decided to add this very last video because I just did not like the way I was going to end this blogisode.

So I made this one which I think ends things nicely. But I'll end this journal entree with something even better.

Regardless of how one may feel about Pop Music, this song says so much, explains a lot how I feel.

"Everyone gets caught up in the pressure of the pain."

Matchbox Twenty "Back To Good."

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