Monday, June 16, 2008

Bicycling to Kevin and Shelly's

What does this have to do with AD/HD and AD/HD recovery?

While I am waiting for my appointment with the D.V.R. psychologist I am filling my time with my friend Shelly. Shelly and Kevin just had a baby and they want to paint their babies room. So I am bicycling to their house which is a good 25 maybe 30 miles from my home.

The bicycle trip was very arduous. Mapquest had me go way out of my way and up a hill that was unlike any other that ever experienced. I am sorry that I did not film this hill, because it was probably the most physically demanding that I ever climbed on my bicycle.

Before I departed on my long trek, I checked my bicycle for any mechanical failures.

I hate repairing flat tires. What I hate more is using new inter-tubes because I could not find my patch kit.

I stopped at Freemont.

Freemont is an artist community. I attended the Freemont Artist Society meeting once. They are a bunch of artists’ snobs that operate under the illusion that they have a monopoly over how art is defined. I have my own opinion on how true is defined, which drastically contradicts other people’s opinions. I believe that art is about the end product and not about the process of creating. I also have no problem with selling out my art and my talents. If McDonalds wants to pay me $5.000 to draw or paint the Golden Arches on my drawings, then by all means SHOW ME THE MONEY! The Freemont Artist Society frowns upon the process of “Selling Out” But none the less that is only my opinion and because it is such an unshared opinion, that tells what I know huh?

(LOL) Little side note. In that video when I said “there is also another reason why I like coming down here.” There was this super fine babe I was going to video tape in a black dress. However her husband or boyfriend saw me video taping and I did not want to get caught video taping her. So I said that Greek restaurant is why I like coming down here.

The Ship Canal trail is a fantastic bicycle trail.

It’s flat, cool, and beautiful. When I rode by those children I wanted to clearly announce my presence and make sure all of those children saw me. The last thing I wanted to have happen was a child run out in front me and cause me to crash. I’ve had that happen to me before, and I will by all means make sure that I will not seriously injure to children, even if that means I will not escape serious injury. I’ve been known to crash on concrete and avoid hurting children. Unlike those who were dumb enough to get in front of me, I’ll make sure they will cushion my fall and they will be the ones that get injured, even if it means they will be seriously injured. That too has happened to me before. If I can avoid an accident I will. If I can’t…well, better them than me. If they are dumb enough step in front of me when I announce my arrival, so be it.

Down town Seattle is a very dangerous place for bicyclist.

Most Seattle drivers think that they own the roads and they have no patients for bicyclists. So the onus is upon bicyclist to make sure that they avoid accidents. If we get hit we only have 100 pounds of aluminum to protect us. Where as the motorist have 5.000 pounds of steel between them and the bicycle. We bicyclist will be mortally injured if not killed. So we have to make sure that we are on the far right of the roads and watch the parked cars too, making sure that no car doors are opened in front of us. Seattle drivers are careless and stupid drivers.

The road along Boeing is about 2 – 3 miles and is completely flat.

I love riding my bicycle on that flat road. It is a lot of fun to watch the jets and air planes taking off while I am riding.

Today was the first time I had a chance to look at one of those behemoth pillars. It really is a wondrous accomplishment in both ingenuity and construction.

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