Thursday, June 5, 2008

Today I am going Sircrazy. Discover my average day being disabled with AD/HD and see for yourself how mundane, menial, and frustrating it is for me.

Today I feel like I am going insane. Why? I feel like I am going batty today because I just really wanted to go bicycling on a long 50-80 mile ride. I love bicycling. Other than creating art, bicycling is my favorite thing todo.

I am so sick of being couped up in the house while my wife labors to keep our lives together. I am so sick of waiting to get things going with DVR too. I want to get on the road to recovery and gaining control of my life. Sitting at home doing nothing knowing that my wife is working hard. It just makes me feel so useless and worthless.

However, when I am bicycling and exercising intense veracity and my blood is pumping so hard that I can feel the THUMP, THUMP. THUMP, in my neck, I feel fantastic. Breathing the fresh cool air in the morning also makes me feel fantastic. All of my problems seem to disappear when I am engaged in bicycling. Bicycling has enriched and enhanced my life in so many different ways. It is more than a tool to maintain my fitness, its my therapy, it's my passion, its a love affair. When I can't bicycle, I get very irritated.

So what am I going to do with myself today. (LOL) I already looked at all of the good internet porn over the last 2 months. Nothing new or exciting there.

I know, why not show all of you my average day being disabled and see for yourself how mundane, menial, and frustrating it is for me.

Its raining in Seattle today.

Its a myth that Seattle gets a whole lot rain every day. But it does rain more here than other parts of the United states. I really, really, wanted to get out of the house today and go on a huge long bicycle ride. But if I can help it I will not ride my bicycle in the rain. Perhaps one of these days I should just say the hell with it and go riding in the rain anyway. I remember this one time riding to Kevin and Shellies house that it was pouring outside and I rode to their house anyway. I showed up soaked, and I got their hardwood floors all wet.

Making breakfast.

What else is there to do today? Other than blog about my usual day being disabled?

I do not know how stay at home moms, or other people who are disabled do this.

There is absolutely nothing, I mean nothing on TV. I have over 500 channels of shit.

(LOL) This my journal of descent into madness.

Elllen dancing. Do people actually enjoy watching Ellen dance.

More of Ellen dancing.

Actually I may regret admitting this later. But I do enjoy watching Ellen, but not her dancing. I like her ethical code of conduct and character.

My cat meowing.

That cat drives me insane at times. She will stay at that door and other doors just meowing "meow" "meow" "meow" "meow" "meow" "meow" until I let her in or out. She learned that if she does that long enough I will give in. Later she will just stand outside the closed door wanting back in and do the same thing over again until I let her in.

One of the other things I do during the day is go on Adder World.

Adder World is a social networking site that is designed for people with AD/HD. I love contributing to this forum but it does not kill the endless monotony that I go through each day,

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