Friday, May 2, 2008


Hey Paul

So if you see this, we need to get together and go bicycling. Right now more than ever I could really use the companionship. I could really use your encouragement and support.

For those of you who don’t know who I am talking about. That’s O.K. Paul is the kind of guy that doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. However that being said, Paul is one of the greatest guys that I know.

Also, Paul. I promise that I won’t yell at people when we go bicycle together. I am no longer a slave to my impulse and I have a lot more patience now.

I made a quick video of that faucet for two reasons. I want to look back on that moment and laugh at myself.

I could not get that water to turn off. And what you did not see was me throwing a complete fit. (Sigh) I’ll take not patience because more than learning how to control my irritability, and temper. This medication seems to amplify all my emotions.

So I was up all last night because I took my medication too late.

I finally got to sleep at 6:00 AM, woke up at noon, and my whole day was lost. I didn’t go bicycling today, which is very important to me. How pitiful am I? I did not remember to eat today. Who has to remember to eat. I have not eaten anything all day today, and it is 6:28 PM. My daily schedule was all screwed up, and on top of all of that, I can’t remember to eat because I have no appetite. If one does not have an appetite how can they remember to eat?

I started another video blog on Youtube today.

It’s basically going to be the same thing as this blog but without the text. I am not going to make additional videos for Youtube.

I’m going bicycling tomorrow early. I am going to ride 45 miles and then come home and help my wife organize the devastation I caused over the last 5 years. We’re cleaning and organizing our house.

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