Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let things go.

It has come to my attention that I just need to chill out. My mother-inlaw was worried that I am just getting way too worked up over small things. She offered me some wonderful advice that I do intend on taking under deep consideration and remembering. If something has me upset I now have the ability to focus on it and decide if it is really worth getting upset about.

So this is my official kick off just chilling out. However it is difficult for me but, not impossible, because my medication causes me to be irritable at times. It also just amplifies my emotions. I am learning to work through it.

"That which does not kill us only makes us stronger"
Frederich Nietzsche

I remembered an episode of Star Trek the Next Generation the other day while I was reflecting upon past events. It was a Picard centric episode where Q was showing him what his life would had been like had he not been stabbed in the heart. Picard then received an artificial heart. Q showed Picard that he would never have had the same courage, ambition, not afraid to fail, and he would never had the drive to succeed. Remembering that installment made me wonder if I had not been afflicted with AD/HD my entire life, would I have the same character that I now possess today. The will to succeed no matter how many times I fail. The ability to get back up after I've been knocked down and out. I seriously doubt that I would.

"If it does not kill you, it will only make you stronger." I pulled through every tumulus event in my life. Granted I did have assistance at times. But for the most part I only had myself to rely on. I had no other option at my disposal. What was I going to do? Just stay down and give up? What people do after they get beat up by life and knocked to the ground is what defines them. That is how people are going to remembered.

I never realized that until just recently. We are defined by our past experiences and it is through hardships and tribulations that we learn how to construct lasting and real character. So if something is not worth expelling energy over, let it go. Save your emotions for something that will require your attention.

Thanks Chris

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