Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I do not have the answers.

I’ve been getting a lot of emails from mothers, fathers, and wives of people who have AD/HD. And even some people who have it themselves. People asking me for advice, what they can do to help themselves or somebody they care about.

(Freaking Blogger is really pissing me off. I can load this very same video on YouTube a lot faster than it loads on Blogger. And I started uploading on Blogger 1st.)

The truth is is that I do not know, I do not have the answers. I only know what worked for me and how I came to terms with my affliction. I cannot give anybody advice because I barely know myself.

So my best advice for anybody asking what they can do for themselves or somebody they care about. Find a psychiatrist and get on medication.

I start my vocational rehabilitation tomorrow. I am excited about that.

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