Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wives Thank you

Having technology is so wonderful. I have my cell phone linked up to my Outlook now, which is really helpful. First thing I do when I get up in the morning besides go to the bathroom is check my phone for messages. One of the first things I see is a reminder of what I need to get done. Having AD/HD that is really helpful.

However it has also proved to be a huge distraction. I have my cell phone also linked to my email, and every time that I get a message my phone chimes. So while I am performing what ever task needs to be done, my phone is distracting me.

Speaking of distracting emails. The emails I am receiving has been from a lot of people who have visited my blog because they have seen my posts in the forums. Thank you, it really does mean a lot to me. I understand what you’re going through.

For those of you who have loved ones and significant others with AD/HD I am so, so, sorry. Especially you wives who are so very patient your husbands, I can only imagine how hard it is for you.


It is because of my wife that I finally got the help that I desperately needed. Had it not been for her support, her love, and her patients I do not know what or where I would be today? I would probably be in another job desperately trying to do a good job. Working harder then all of my coworkers, and causing more problems than all of them put together.

You wives are our strengths and our pillars. You wives are what keep us men strong when we are feeling weak and defeated. If your husbands are not acknowledging that fact and telling you thank you, I’ll say thank you for them. THANK YOU.

I love my wife.

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